Client Help Notes
Admin Help Notes


How To Log In For The First Time

How To Log In Afterwards

How To Download / Upload Files

After logging in you will see a list of file share groups that you are a member of. Underneath each there will be a list of files available for you to download, by clicking on the links. You can download and upload files to each group you are a member of.


How To Log In For The First Time

How To Log In Afterwards

How To Upload Files

You can upload files to 'Groups' or individuals. Groups can have multiple users who can download or upload files from / to them. Click on the "Upload Files" button and it will walk you through adding/selecting groups and then adding staff/clients to groups, and then uploading your files.

If you are ading a new client, then after entering their email address you will be prompted for further details on the next screen, including their mobile number and company. If you need to edit a clients details after this then ask a login administrator to do.

How To Inform Clients On How To Use The Portal